Breathing new life into an old home, rescuing or replacing a period gem from ruin or simply renovating a neglected house on a budget can be incredibly rewarding. You probably might want to replace your windows too. Even though the logistics and functioning of windows are rarely something that homeowners need to think about until something goes wrong. Some may not even be aware of it. So, let us discuss the main reasons to get new windows today.
1.Water Intrusion
Moisture, drafts, air leaks, water infiltration, and condensation problems are the common enemies of a window. You’ll know there is an issue with the window itself because there’s a visible leak where the window sash meets the jamb or on the window frame. These water issues result in rotting, corroding, and mold formation, which are harmful to your home’s overall structural integrity. These can be avoided with Breezway Altair Louvre Window’s patented ‘Living Hinge’ design. It pulls the clips tightly against the channel when closed for superior water performance and reduced air infiltration.
2.High Energy Bills
Window replacement is one common recommendation among construction professionals as a way to reduce high energy bills. By increasing the energy efficiency of your home, you can reduce your energy bills while also saving money and doing good for the planet. But what style of windows are energy efficient? The answer is — Louvre Windows. This is because louvre windows allow 90% of fresh air regardless of wind direction (in comparison to any other window style as shown below). At Breezway, we believe buildings should be designed to work with nature. Rather than sealing up and fighting against it. Read more on our energy page here.

3.Safety and Security
Single-hung floor-to-floor ceiling windows can be dangerous to have open if you have young children. To solve this problem, you’ll need windows that can let in air without posing a safety risk. That means installing Breezway Louvre Windows. Breezway offers the Altair Louvre with the Stronghold System that can comply with the fall prevention requirements whilst providing ventilation and safety to occupants. The Stronghold System mechanically retains blades and is ideal for apartment buildings where window openings and cross ventilation can be limited.

4.Aesthetic Concerns
If you plan on staying in your home for years to come, you should invest in it. You should feel comfortable in the home you live in and that includes enjoying the way it looks and feels. And if you want to update the style of your house, getting replacement windows could be a good option. It would be nice to have windows that match your architectural design and exterior. Not only are these pleasing to the eyes, but complementary windows also enhance home value. Breezway Louvre Windows have a sleek, elegant design and are available with automation so you can keep up with current trends. Read more about our Powerlouvre Window here.

5.Compromised Comfort
If you aren’t comfortable at home, you’re not going to be happy at your home. The quality of air indoors greatly influences your indoor environment. By using Altair Louvre Windows, you can reduce the need for air conditioning to keep your home at a comfortable temperature with natural ventilation. Research even shows that those users of naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings are more comfortable. Than or at least as comfortable as, users of an air conditioned building.

We know replacing your windows can be a little intimidating, simply because of the scope and cost of the project. One that not only saves you energy and increases the value of your home, but also adds comfort, security, and beauty inside out. At the forefront of louvre window technology in the world, Breezway always make sure that our product is well tested and #BuiltForYou.